Vehicle Complaint Management

It is very critical for a fleet manager to bridge the gap between maintenance team and the operations and drivers. Our Vehicle Complaint Management just does that, it turn the grey area of i told you, and i have been saying this for a long time into black and white Complaints or issues which have to be resolved by technicians for the betterment of your company.

Vehicle wise Complaints:

Complaints can be monitored Vehicle wise and Historical reoccurrence Data can help find rework and inefficient work practices.

Complaint Creation:

A complaint or an issue can be raised by any user and can be assigned to any particular technician. There is a provision to add photographs or document related to complaint.

Complaint List:

Each Technician gets automatically updated with the complaints on realtime basis, and Complaint can be transferred if irrelavant to other technicians. One of the key Objective, we help you achieve at fleetain is to have minimum number of complaints and to establish a Corrective and Preventive Action loop so we improve everyday on our inspections to achieve zero complaints.